quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve


Розмарі Роз



Facilities official site http://www.city.takamatsu.kagawa.jp/3245.html

гиацинты & Hyacinths

This is how my GARDEN grows- This Season's ROSES

Roses in the garden of uncle Nelu.

Scenery 1

Paul & Marie Diving


Keukenhof (Netherlands) 2008

Nature's beauty - The yellow part of the flower blooms from the red flower.



blogger natureza

E importante lembrar que a familia e o lugar onde formamos o nosso carater,a nossa consciencia ,para escolher entre o bem e o ,mal ,bem como a nossa capacidade em dicernir e valorizar as coisas .
E tambem no bom relacionamento familiar que aprendemos a amar  as pessoas,sem medo!!!   hilda

terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011

Lie down with the tigers. The White Ones!

Lie down with the tigers. The White Ones!

Lie down with the tigers. The White Ones!

Lie down with the tigers. The White Ones!

Scenery 1

Reflected Memories (San Gregorio State Beach, CA) - ©Ping ChenMore photos in http://picasaweb.google.com/pingc315/PhotoWalkAtSanGregorioStateBeach#

Lie down with the tigers. The White Ones!

2006-11-04 Park Utopia

beste Fotos Kenia

beste Fotos Kenia

beste Fotos Kenia

Horse eye Jacks on Mount Olympus, a coral pinnacle with a sheer wall that drops thousands of feet into the abyss. On our only deep dive, I dropped off the wall to 251 feet, looked up and could see the sun shining on the waves all the way at the surface, a surreal experience.

No fear

Baracudas, waiting stock still while rain pelts the surface above

Chris taking a shot of “Sling Blade”

Barrels of Fun, a shallow reef with lots of color and macro life.

This Lemon Shark snuck up on me as he cruised the shallow reef

Redlip Blenny, perching on his sponge, he made regular patrols of an area about 3 feet wide perching for just an instant in each spot.

This Caribbean Reef shark had a crooked jaw, and lots of curiousity

Feather duster worms gathering food in the current


Beautiful Sunset

Sky & Sunset

Lake sunset

Kinsale, Ireland

Sky & Sunset

Scenery 1